Top 4 benefits of sound healing

Top 4 benefits of sound healing

tuning fork therapy


It is well known that stress causes most diseases. To put it in other words, many diseases can be effectively treated by promoting stress reduction and relaxation. Here, sound therapy comes into play. Sound therapy, also known as sound healing, is an ancient healing technique throughout Asia and other indigenous cultures. It uses tonal frequencies from instruments or chanting voices to induce our bodies into a state of vibrational balance and harmony. 

A stress-free body is a relaxed body. It is the body that is not only undamaged but also the body that is able to recuperate itself. 


1. Pain Relief

Sound therapy relaxes our body and mind to ease tension both physically and mentally. This tension release alleviates pain. Among different body parts, the headaches are more effectively soothed by sound therapy since the healing sounds synchronize our brain waves to achieve meditative states, helping restore the innate and natural frequencies of the cells. 


2. More Focus 

Therapy with tuning forks and singing bowls evoke the brain by stimulating sounds that assists the brain to release latent energy. This helps the entire body to release stress and fatigue. It also lowers the brain wave frequencies to calmer, more meditative states. All these factors, energization, stress and fatigue reliefs, and keeping the meditative state, enhance our focus in day to day living. A focused individual is a confident individual with improved organization skills.  


3. Fewer Mood Swings

Sound therapy improves one’s emotional and physical well-being. It promotes emotional balance and relaxation which can reduce anxiety and entialing stress. It is done by stimulating the brain waves to align to the specific frequency of the beat that induces enhanced focus, entranced state, and relaxation. This frequency synchronization keeps the mind and body in a peaceful state that effectively reduces mood swings,  premenstrual syndrome, as well as behavioral problems in children. 


4. Improved Sleep 

One way how sound therapy works is through entrainment. The healing sound affects the brain rhythm to couple with it. The result is the stress free, meditative state in our body which lowers the BPM. This assists the brain in ‘turning off’ from the everyday activities and stimuli. Especially before going to bed, this improves our mind to focus on sleep. Those who regularly meditate through sound therapy before bedtime experience less insomnia, faster falling into sleep, and most importantly, deeper sleep. 

The major benefits of sound therapy are stress reduction and brain wave calibration. Sound therapy tunes our body and mind into a natural state that is focused, confident, calm, and peaceful. Therefore continuous exposure to sound therapy on a regular basis will revamp our mental and physical health.  




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